We, With You, Change The Future
A Charity For A Dramatic Difference
Supporting our feline friends
Desex Your Cat at Low/No Cost
Low cost and free desexing for cats – priority to cats in low-income homes or at risk of breeding.
Put Your Kittens on a Safe Path
Join the Kitten Club and we’ll get your kittens on a safer path – and desex the mother for free.
Send Us Donations
Your funding supports our program. You can have an outsize effect on cat health and welfare.
Work or Partner With Us
If you love cats, we’d love you to assist us with our program and our charity so we achieve even more.
Our graph show frightening numbers of the possible outcomes of what cats left to breed can do. Many will not survive, many will die for just being born, many live dangerously, wildly & yes for sure some will live wonderful lives. Shouldn’t they all?
- Imagine continuingly trying to help so many preventable cats and constantly running out of the resources to save them.
- Imagine having to provide a continuous stream of good homes for them all.
- We are the only program that focuses on the problem and offers the solution via cat desexing assistance & kitten support for all moggie owners in Geelong.
- Our program benefits all local animal management systems, cat health in our community & our beautiful environment.
- Desexing is a 100% solution to stop cats breeding. Every cat need only do this once. With your support we continue to make big difference to our purry furry landscape.

The health & behavior benefits for desexing your cat
- For females Ovarian & uterine cancer risk is eliminated as is the risk of pyometra and complications associated with pregnancy & birth. Desexing also reduces the risk of mammary cancer.
- For males desexing eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.
- Both females & males they can avoid fighting injuries like a bite abscess, reduce risk of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or being killed on roads as they seek breeding opportunities. Stresses involved with breeding diminish & your companion will have a healthier more relaxed existence.
It is such a great feeling knowing what you have contributed to preventing. Every female spay is potentially a litter of kittens that no longer are at risk or in need of homes. Homes are increasingly hard to find for all companion animals in this climate. Animals already in care do not need preventable kittens putting their chance of a good home at risk. Every cat we desex has a positive impact on the feline landscape.
We are always incredibly grateful to have been able to offer another desexing procedure. We cannot do this alone. Desexing costs are Females $220, Males $110
Please consider donating just a small portion or funding a full procedure for a cat in need, share our mission and advocate for cat desexing and our kitten club program.
You do not need to be a cat lover to understand the importance of this desexing program or a genius to see it really is the simplist, kindest most humane solution.
“Love them or hate them we simply must desex them”
Cat Population Control
Desexing happens once and is a 100% solution to stop breeding. Adoption is an optimistic path of hope we all share.

Supporting our feline friends
Small Donations Make A Big Impact!
In less than two years a female cat, her mate, and their offspring can create numbers that only continue to explode without the intervention of desexing. Imagine the consequences overpopulating brings to an area with multiple cats doing this.
Cats, their owners & our community rely on this program to help end the breeding cycle for cats. Cat breeding can happen extremely fast overpopulating areas right under our nose at home, in our own street, on our block or in our suburb.
This has an extremely negative effect on all local Wildlife, our Animal Welfare & Animal Rescue organisations including council Animal Management. With less cats living a wild street life we protect our wildlife. Keeping intake numbers to a minimum in our pound, shelters & rescue groups save those organisations precious resources and reserves safe space for those cats & animals in need of their care. It is sad to see so many preventable lives clogging up a system that has very little room to move.
Our Desexing Program supported by our Kitten Club Program, we HAVE the solution to reducing the cat population kindly, humanely & in a way that is supportive to the cat, our wildlife, the owner & our community.
The implementation of desexing programs is a key place to start. We need to see more of them, and more support for the desexing clinics and programs like ours motivated by the problem we have all been exposed to.
THERE IS SO MUCH VALUE TO WHAT WE DO. Raising money to fund OUR PROGRAM is a high priority for us to grow and succeed. If you would like to get involved with our fundraising team or support us in any way, please get in touch via email. It takes a village & we would welcome you into ours.
News & Happenings
It’s Not a Hard Conversation to Have with Your Kids
Barry explains the realities of uncontrolled cat breeding, and the consequences for the flood of kittens that result.
A Message from Barry: The Truth About Uncontrolled Breeding
Barry explains the realities of uncontrolled cat breeding, and the consequences for the flood of kittens that result.
Protecting Our Feline Friends From Cancer
October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month – did you know that breast cancer is not just a human issue? Our feline friends are also vulnerable to this disease, particularly unspayed female cats.
Cat Carriers | Every Cat Needs One
Every cat needs a cat carrier, and safety must be a key feature when choosing one. Find out how to minimise transportation stress and make a vet visit a better experience.
Microchipping: The Voice of Our Animals and Keeping Information Updated
All you need to know about cats and their breeding biology & behaviours.
The Breeding Cycle of Cats Explained
All you need to know about cats and their breeding biology & behaviours.
Our Facebook Feed
Become A Support Partner
Provide support to help low-income families desex their cat to drastically lower the number of cats entering pounds. Financial and/or in-kind support welcome!